Wednesday, August 10, 2011


progression progression

My group progression is accelerating fast this is because we are all here we stay on task and we actually do our work. The only things we are missing from our project are the interview montage and the equipment for building a stage. After we was working we went to the museum that's talks architecture about how new york might look years from now. It shows some images that had new methods of transportation such as boats for taxis and more. 

Thursday, August 4, 2011

the things we face

Today we continued to work as a group on our talk show project. We have completed at least 55% in a overall score and still going strong although we are now named the disagree group which is because we always challenge each others opinion with our own. So far we have had no problems in our research, topic, skits, or on our script. So i can't really say that we can solve a problem we don"t have. This is the greatest group ever and we'll prove it when comes the day of our talk show in fall we will be the best.o

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

15% done and more to go

The group project is now in full bloom. We are now focusing on our true masterpiece which will be about global warming and ways to prevent it. To me I feel like we are progressing faster then we thought even though we still have a lot to go to be finished with our final ending - a show on a grand stage in second life-. We are at least 15% done with this whole project and hopefully we'll be done with it by August 11th 2011. This is just a Small obstacle to walk over and finish with a bang.


Today at the New York City Transit Museum I got to see all the trains from he 1800s to the 1900s and how the train underground passages were formed. It took tons of strategy's to help make the it safe to work down there and how they got paid 5 dollars per day. I also learned that the 3rd rail has about 600 watts of electricity which is about 2 houses using full power all together. I didn't know that there was at least about 10 or models of the train that they had to update to help keep the transit safe and running well.

Monday, August 1, 2011


Today we have interviewed each other as the point of view of the camera crew, the interviewer, the interviewee. We learned that its not so easy to be anyone of those three. The camera crew for instant has to keep getting angle shots from all direction and try to be on point with close ups and backing out. The Interviewer has to develop questions for the person there interviewing and keep on topic so that they wont be changing the topic and keeping the viewers so confused. Also being the interviewee is difficult because if we get answers that doesn't help answer the question and the topic it will be useless as a answer and a waste of that persons time. Being part of a newscast group to me now looks hard after being in the positions of these 3 makes me realize how quick our thoughts must flow and how hard it may be to get things done for television